SPIRITUAL DIRECTION: sharing our sacred story
What is spiritual direction?
Spiritual direction is a practice of listening to God with an experienced guide who is able to show you the way of the spiritual life. The goal is growth in an ever deeper love relationship with God, embracing that love as God’s love embraces you. Spiritual direction provides a safe and non-judgmental space to tell your story and be heard as you discern the movement of the Spirit in your life. Everyone has a story to tell and only needs an attentive and caring listener to help us discover the elements of our personal and therefore, sacred story. Since all of life is spiritual, there are no stories that don’t belong in spiritual direction.
Who should go for spiritual direction?
Anyone who desires to deepen their love relationship with Christ Jesus and become more faithful in living the Way of Jesus. I meet with women and men from various life situations and various stages in the spiritual journey. Some come because they are experiencing a faith crisis; others feel stuck in the spiritual journey; others seek discernment in what God wants them to do; some want to learn how to pray and read scripture more meaningfully and others simply want help in living life in Jesus more faithfully.
How often do we meet?
Once a month for one hour is the norm in spiritual direction and usually sufficient. More frequent meetings can be arranged if needed.
What I offer directees
I seek to be an attentive listener, letting the directee choose the personal stories they wish to tell. I encourage them to speak as honestly as possible, to dig as deep as possible and to be attentive to God’s Spirit within. I seek to discern with the directee where they are at in their spiritual journey and bring some understanding to the journey. Sometimes this will include training in spiritual disciplines, suggesting scripture passages to reflect upon or other readings that may be helpful. I suggest; I don’t demand or require.
How much does spiritual direction cost?
Since I believe that spiritual direction is a gift I can offer to God’s people, I ask my directees to give me what they can best afford. This varies between $25 and $75.
What experience and qualifications do I have to offer direction?
Spiritual direction is related to the spiritual gift of discernment and is, therefore first and foremost a gift. I have the gift of discernment. However, every gift is also a skill to be learned and I have, therefore, been diligent in learning the skill. Not only do I have a Certificate in Spiritual Direction from The Benedictine Peace Center in Yankton, South Dakota, I have also read, and continue to read on the spiritual journey and spiritual direction, learning from those further along than myself. More importantly, I have over 30 years of experience in receiving and giving spiritual direction to others. For me, the best teacher has always been the process and prayerful reflection on the process.
How do I begin?
If interested in discussing with me the possibility of entering spiritual direction, please use the ‘contact’ button (see above) to send me a message and I’ll be in touch with you.
Spiritual direction is a practice of listening to God with an experienced guide who is able to show you the way of the spiritual life. The goal is growth in an ever deeper love relationship with God, embracing that love as God’s love embraces you. Spiritual direction provides a safe and non-judgmental space to tell your story and be heard as you discern the movement of the Spirit in your life. Everyone has a story to tell and only needs an attentive and caring listener to help us discover the elements of our personal and therefore, sacred story. Since all of life is spiritual, there are no stories that don’t belong in spiritual direction.
Who should go for spiritual direction?
Anyone who desires to deepen their love relationship with Christ Jesus and become more faithful in living the Way of Jesus. I meet with women and men from various life situations and various stages in the spiritual journey. Some come because they are experiencing a faith crisis; others feel stuck in the spiritual journey; others seek discernment in what God wants them to do; some want to learn how to pray and read scripture more meaningfully and others simply want help in living life in Jesus more faithfully.
How often do we meet?
Once a month for one hour is the norm in spiritual direction and usually sufficient. More frequent meetings can be arranged if needed.
What I offer directees
I seek to be an attentive listener, letting the directee choose the personal stories they wish to tell. I encourage them to speak as honestly as possible, to dig as deep as possible and to be attentive to God’s Spirit within. I seek to discern with the directee where they are at in their spiritual journey and bring some understanding to the journey. Sometimes this will include training in spiritual disciplines, suggesting scripture passages to reflect upon or other readings that may be helpful. I suggest; I don’t demand or require.
How much does spiritual direction cost?
Since I believe that spiritual direction is a gift I can offer to God’s people, I ask my directees to give me what they can best afford. This varies between $25 and $75.
What experience and qualifications do I have to offer direction?
Spiritual direction is related to the spiritual gift of discernment and is, therefore first and foremost a gift. I have the gift of discernment. However, every gift is also a skill to be learned and I have, therefore, been diligent in learning the skill. Not only do I have a Certificate in Spiritual Direction from The Benedictine Peace Center in Yankton, South Dakota, I have also read, and continue to read on the spiritual journey and spiritual direction, learning from those further along than myself. More importantly, I have over 30 years of experience in receiving and giving spiritual direction to others. For me, the best teacher has always been the process and prayerful reflection on the process.
How do I begin?
If interested in discussing with me the possibility of entering spiritual direction, please use the ‘contact’ button (see above) to send me a message and I’ll be in touch with you.