RETREATS that encourage a storymaker life
A retreat, rather like a Sabbath, is an opportunity to take intentional time out in order to slow down, listen more attentively to God and self, and find healing and restoration for one’s life in order to live more faithfully in the Way of Jesus. Retreating is not a sign of weakness. On the contrary, it is a sign of strength as we imitate Jesus who regularly went away by himself to pray.
I organize and lead different types of retreats. The most popular are the day-long retreats for groups. I am also available for longer retreats (overnight or 2-3 days). I also lead retreats specifically designed for prayer for a local church community (see ‘Prayer Pilgrimage in and for the local church’).
Retreats are designed to provide space to experience community and solitude; silence and speech; stillness and movement. Group times focus on a biblical text related to the retreat theme, practicing group lectio divina (read more in “Reading the Bible for all you’re worth”) and/or Storymakers (an integration of Bible study and meditation). During periods of solitude, I am available and offer individual spiritual direction.
Location for these retreats does vary. Usually, they are near where I live. However, I am willing to travel, depending on the group. Contact me for retreat dates or to book a retreat in your area.
I organize and lead different types of retreats. The most popular are the day-long retreats for groups. I am also available for longer retreats (overnight or 2-3 days). I also lead retreats specifically designed for prayer for a local church community (see ‘Prayer Pilgrimage in and for the local church’).
Retreats are designed to provide space to experience community and solitude; silence and speech; stillness and movement. Group times focus on a biblical text related to the retreat theme, practicing group lectio divina (read more in “Reading the Bible for all you’re worth”) and/or Storymakers (an integration of Bible study and meditation). During periods of solitude, I am available and offer individual spiritual direction.
Location for these retreats does vary. Usually, they are near where I live. However, I am willing to travel, depending on the group. Contact me for retreat dates or to book a retreat in your area.
RETREATS include (but are not limited to):
“Come and See”When two disciples of John followed Jesus uninvited, Jesus turned and asked them, ‘What are you looking for?’ They seemed rather unprepared to respond and merely answered, ‘Where are you staying?’ Jesus gently invited, ‘Come and see.’ (John 1:35-39). This scenario forms the essence of a day-long retreat that looks at this story from John, as well as some other stories in the life of Jesus. Retreatants are given space to see more deeply as they experience encounters with Jesus through Scripture and wonder about what they want.
“Choose Life”Moses concluded his ministry urging the children of Israel: “Choose life so that you and your descendants may live” (Deut 30:19). Jesus said, “I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly” (John 10:10). Retreatants are given space to reflect on their personal life and choices through engagement with Gospel stories together and experiences of solitude.
“Join the Dance”Jesus promised to make his joy complete in us (John 15:11). Jeremiah promised the Jewish exiles a day when they would go out in the dance of the merrymakers (Jeremiah 31:4). Scriptures are suggested that encourage joyful reflection of our life in Jesus and ‘join the dance’ by experiencing the hope of our calling.
WASTING time with GODIt’s easy for us to get caught up with stuff we believe needs to be done that a day of doing nothing except being in God’s presence seems a waste of time. Yet, God commanded his people: “Remember the Sabbath to keep it holy.” Through the psalmist, God urged us: “Be still and know that I am God!” We have God’s permission to ‘waste time’.
The retreat, Wasting Time with God, is a day designed to give you space to read Scriptures prayerfully, encouragement to be still and know God, opportunity to be alone or with others discovering God’s handiwork. Everyone who thirsts, ComeJesus said, ‘The water that I will give will become in them a spring of water gushing up to eternal life.’
All who thirst for Living water, come and drink. A Samaritan woman went alone to the well outside the city and met Jesus. He surprised her with the promise of living water. Sometimes we too need to go ‘outside the city’ to meet Jesus and be surprised with his generous offer of living water. Come, all who thirst, and experience a day drinking deeply from Jesus’ well of living water. The day consists of space for being alone with Jesus and space to be with the community; opportunity to prayerfully read Scripture and listen to God speak and drink the water. |
PRAYER PILGRIMAGE in and for the LOCAL CHURCHThe Prayer Pilgrimage is a structured walk through a local church, pausing at various centers (such as the entrance, pulpit, music center, and so on) for readings, sharing of personal faith journeys and prayers for each place in the church. The Prayer Pilgrimage is a meaningful way for a congregation to prayerfully be together, learning about each other and learning how to pray for every aspect of church life and ministry. The pilgrimage around the church takes up to 3 hours, depending on the size of the church. It can also be adapted into an all day retreat, focused on praying for the church but also including periods for solitude and reflection.
Restore us, O Lord'Restore us, O Lord of Hosts, let your face shine, that we may be saved.' The psalmist's prayer (Ps 81) is the focus on this Advent retreat. An opportunity to escape the noise and business of the Christmas season for a period of quiet with scripture that helps us focus on the coming of Jesus into the world--God in human form.
Cost for retreats depends on the location, length of retreat and number of people attending.
Cost includes retreat location fee, retreat materials, meals, an honorarium for leader and leader's travel expenses.
Contact me for more information.
Cost includes retreat location fee, retreat materials, meals, an honorarium for leader and leader's travel expenses.
Contact me for more information.